The first sentence is always the hardest to write. It’ll stop you for hours, or days, and in worst cases, years. I share this from experience. That won’t happen this time. I’m just going to launch into this awkwardly and pray I get better along the way.
This is an act of romance, and determination, and ambition. A quest to actively become who I want to be. It requires a bit of grit, and if I’m honest, fiction. I have to visualize myself as someone I’m not, but truly want to be. Then, I figure I can just do what she does.
That breaks down to a few different daily exercises I’m going to implement starting today – January 1, 2022. That’s the romantic part. Obviously, I could start this venture any day of the year. And if you’re reading this, on some random Tuesday in some random month, feel free to join in today.
Every single day, I want to do the things I want to do, to become the person I want to become. If this is your first time reading anything of mine, feel free to go down a rabbit hole learning about what I’ve done and who I’ve been. I sure would. Long story short, I’m determined to creating the lifestyle I want. There’s a short bio here, but I’m not going further than that in this post.
This post is about who I’m about to become.

A published writer
Obviously, I have written and released a romance trilogy. So, I know what I’m doing in this aspect. I only struggle with consistency. Luckily, to be a writer, all you have to do is write. A published writer takes one extra step – sharing your writing.
Every day, I am going to write something and share it right here on this blog.
Now, this isn’t going to be a chapter of a novel a day. Hell, some days it won’t be longer than a paragraph. But I will write, and share something.

A fit, published writer
I want to be the fine auntie, who wears bikinis on exotic vacations, and drinks a smoothie for breakfast. That’s gonna take major discipline from me. Because me and exercise are like… not sworn enemies, but far from friends. I’m starting this program called 75 Hard on Monday, which requires me to workout TWICE a day for 75-days. If that’s not proof of commitment, I don’t know what is. Naturally, I’ll share that journey here and on Instagram.

A rich, fit, published writer.
Money isn’t everything, but happiness is. For me, happiness requires peace of mind. And in order to truly relax, I require financial security. I can’t relax when I’m worried about bills. My mind is too active with unrequested reminders of due dates mentally popping up at all times. I enjoy not worrying about money.
Currently, due to my location and lifestyle, I live quite comfortably. I don’t worry about affording my bills, or select my dinner by the prices on the menu. But I do have to convince myself that business class is worth it, because it’s quite ridiculous to pay three times the price to get to the same destination at the same time as the coach seats.
The point is, I want more money. A lot more. I want a nest egg. And investments. I want the freedom to stay ready to invest in my dreams. For me, that means: (1) Being more serious about my writing and (2) Managing my money better. I want to be able to tell you how much I’ve spent on groceries in the past week. Right now, I couldn’t give you an accurate guess.
What else?
Well, my life is kind of split into four major categories: Home Life, Professional Life, Financial Life, and Self Care. I’m focusing on improving each aspect. Here’s a guide I created to help me set goals and prepare to achieve them. It’s $5, which I know is super inexpensive, but it is a digital guide. So, I’m considering your additional costs to print it, if you prefer. If you choose not to, use the digital version to type directly into the guide on any device.
So, here’s how I’m planning to change my life – with routine and prioritization. If I show myself these things matter, through consistency, I’ll believe it. My morning schedule is three hours – stretching, exercising, personal hygiene, writing, and eating. I’m starting Monday, officially. Today I started with writing and publishing.
Welcome to my journey. Let this be a reminder that you can change your life on any day. You can create the lifestyle you want.

January 1, 2022Love love love!!! In your IG stories you mentioned romanticizing your life and it resonated deeply. I went down a rabbit hole reading and book marking what this might look like for me. I’ve been grieving since 2020 and I think I’m ready to love life outside of my fantastical brain. To love on myself and create the luxurious rich auntie I live in my head.
Amirah Cook
January 1, 2022Thank you for reading, and commenting, and sharing your story, Angelique. I appreciate you. Grief is difficult, and I don’t believe most of the quotes that people say about them. So, I won’t add them here. I will say, I’m happy you’ve decided to love life after loss. That takes courage. I am proud of you, sis.
Shardé C.
January 1, 2022I’m as excited as you are for this! I can’t wait to see where it all takes you and I’m so grateful for a front row seat. That whole “Money isn’t everything…” paragraph was a bar!! Here’s to dedication, abundance, romance, and ease.
Amirah Cook
January 1, 2022Thank you, my love!! I’m excited, too! I’ve strangely been counting down. Who knows where this will lead, but it feels like I’m heading in the right direction.
January 1, 2022Going to love reading these daily! “I want more…” felt that to my core. I don’t feel bad about wanting it either.
Amirah Cook
January 1, 2022And why should you? We can decide we don’t love it once we experience it. But first, we should experience it, right? Also, you and your husband are the reason I’m so pressed to fly business on Emirates A380. I didn’t even know plane models until you posted about it, and now I need it! No lol
Mel P
January 1, 2022Girl!! I don’t remember how I got here, but I’m so glad i stumbled across your page over a year ago!!
The very first paragraph spoke to my soul.
The first sentence is always the hardest to write. It’ll stop you for hours, or days, and in worst cases, years. I share this from experience. That won’t happen this time. I’m just going to launch into this awkwardly and pray I get better along the way.
I have a complete blog set up and getting this first few sentences out is killing me. I just want to create a space for me to find some happiness and share some things but I have struggled to throw myself into it. I’m going to do it today…right after coffee and breakfast.
Happy New Year!!
Amirah Cook
January 2, 2022Aww. Thank you! You can do it, sis! The writing always gets better the more you do it. Just hit publish! Happy New Year!
Jeris Williams
January 1, 2022A quest to actively become who I want to be. This! THIS! I can’t tell you how many times I read this one line. The great thing about sharing is that sometimes you help people find the words they can’t string together, or put words to a feelings we struggle to understand! Thank you for your words and for sharing. I wish you the best in your journey and Lord help me in my own. I will look forward to your daily post. Happy New Year!
Amirah Cook
January 2, 2022Thanks, Jeris! I try simplify things. If we want to change, all we have to do is… change! Lol! One step at a time, I can become the woman I want to be. And so can you! We got this!
Marjorie S
January 1, 2022Thanks for sharing! I’ve loved following your journey on Instagram. I also want more and this is inspiring me to find ways to execute.
Amirah Cook
January 2, 2022Thank you, Marjorie! Hopefully, I’ll be able to express myself and share my journey, a bit more here. Looking forward to seeing how it goes. Thanks for joining me.
January 1, 2022I want to be the fine & rich auntie, who wears bikinis on exotic vacations, and drinks a smoothie for breakfast.- also me.
Amirah Cook
January 2, 2022This life chose us, sis! Haha
T.N. Jones
January 1, 2022That paragraph about money hit home. Money to me is a freedom that buys you time and options. I like money and I truly believe that money likes me so we have to form an alliance. Amirah, today I started the New Year by unfollowing a light crush. I saw that he was with his significant other & family on New Year’s Eve. I was scouring hard for an engagement ring & I didn’t see one; then I came to the realization that this is his life, I have my life. On paper he looks great, I don’t know what he’s like behind closed doors and I should allow him to have his personal social media as it does not impact his professional accomplishments. So I’ll let that go, I feel a little weight that has been lifted. Doesn’t mean that I’m not going to Peak from time to time, but I’m comfortable in knowing, whatever the outcome for him is the outcome for him because I have me to work on and I’m a full-time job plus overtime!
Amirah Cook
January 2, 2022That’s the self care we don’t talk about enough – letting go of the ideas that don’t serve us. And who knows what you’re making room for by removing that distraction? There will be a reward that comes, I hope it’s a great one!
January 1, 2022I’m inspired.
Amirah Cook
January 2, 2022Writers unite to get back to blogging! Haha! It feels soooo nostalgic, but also exciting like I’m starting something new.
Ajaya Sparrock
January 2, 2022I appreciate your transparency. As a black educator when people can see it it’s more real. I can see myself and my husband in varying aspects of your journey. I’m a professor, and my husband is a graphic artist-illustrator. Financial freedom is what we are aiming for. Being salaried and “safe” has always been a safety net for me. My husband has been a freelancer his entire career, and sometimes it’s scary but encouraging to see his faith in his work.