I’ve never been great at traditions. Vision boards are cool, and I know many people make them at the start of every year, but I didn’t get into it much. The first year I made one, I think I enjoyed the arts and crafts bit more than the actual use of a vision board – visually claiming and seeing my desires frequently. I’m sure the fact that I don’t have access to many magazines that feature what I’d want on my vision board played a huge role. In fact, I don’t think I ever displayed my first attempt after completing it. Jarrell was painting the murals in the office I love so much, so I stored it in a closet somewhere and never thought about it again.
Last year, however, I tried something new. I created the vision board digitally in Canva. It was fun, without the limitations of what images and words I could find in magazines. I enjoyed first, admitting the things I wanted, then finding photos that felt fitting to the desires. By the time I finished, I wanted more, so I created a second one.
More importantly, I decided to present the vision boards on prime real estate – right on my desk. I saw them every day. Even when I wasn’t looking, I saw them. Even when I didn’t mean to, I was thinking of those words and dreams I’d set out for the year. I cleaned the stands that held them regularly, forcing me to take a few seconds to: 1) Remember the version of me who courageously admitted to wanting these things, habits, experiences, and adventures. 2) Honoring her courage. If I was bold enough to admit I wanted it, I owed myself the effort to strive towards achieving them.
This year, I want to keep the tradition up. And I’m inviting you to join me. Whether you prefer to create the traditional vision board – with magazine clipping and printed photos and words, or go digital (here is a free template that I use), let’s meet up and set a vision for ourselves this year.
The Bestie Book Club, which I host monthly with Attilah Dulaney of PUSH Paper Co. is reading Year of Yes to kickstart the year. In our January meeting, we’ll have a vision board party while we discuss what we’re saying yes to this year.
It will be hosted on January 28, 2022 at 8:00 PM EST. The Zoom link will be emailed to the Bestie Book Club members and my newsletter subscribers. So, if you’re signed up for either, you’re all set.
If not, here’s your opportunity to do so.
Join the Bestie Book Club Here.
Subscribe to My Newsletter Here.
I hope you can join us. If you can make it, here’s what you’ll need:

New Year Guide + Bonus Vision Board Template – The Indefinite Honeymoon
January 15, 2022[…] I will be hosting a Vision Board Party with Attilah of PUSH Paper Co on January 28, 2022 at 8:00 PM EST. Get al the details here. […]
Vision Board Prep: Expense, Experience, Embody – The Indefinite Honeymoon
January 16, 2022[…] you missed the announcement, I will be hosting a vision board party with Attilah of PUSH Paper Co on January 28, 2022 at 8:00 PM EST. It is our monthly book club […]
Journal Prompts for the Week – The Indefinite Honeymoon
January 17, 2022[…] endless reasons to journal, and unlimited benefits. It also ties hand in hand with the upcoming vision board party. Journaling is a great way to identify what you want to change, how you want to live, and what […]