From what I can grasp, I’m known for several things. Many people met me online while I was actively traveling the world with Jarrell. Sidebar: Jarrell is my husband, if you’re new here. I’m not one of those people who enjoys repeatedly saying “my husband”. So, you’ve gotta remember the main characters.
Anyways, we used to travel full time – legit. One city this week, another country the next. Country hopping was a major part of our lifestyle for several years. I built a following online documenting the journey. Because of that, many know me for traveling.
I’m also a writer, known for my romance trilogy. A wife, known for gushing about my husband. An entrepreneur, who struggles with the business side of things, preferring to give things away. And plenty other things, I’m sure.
More than anything, I’ve always been very vocal about enjoying my life. I once wrote, “… Self care is my life. Work is my hobby,” and it stuck. I know people look to me as someone dedicated to living a life of self care.
And that’s more than skincare and journaling. It’s more than the present. It’s preparing for the future to make your dreams a reality. It’s taking the time and care to admit what you want. Then, taking that a step further and drafting a plan to get from where you are to where you want to be.
Spoiler alert: It’s always small steps.
It feels big and grand, and at times impossible. But it’s not. It’s small changes, completed consistently. And that takes a plan.
In everything I do, I create a plan. For travel. For self care. For writing. For budgeting. For living abroad. At the start of every year, I reflect on the previous 12-months and plan for the new year.
The New Year Guide

To help with this, I use a guide that pushes me to identify where I am, admit where I want to go, and strategize what I need to get there and what it will take.
This year, I made that guide available for you, too. It is a digital download, so you can type directly into the guide with your responses. But there is also a version for you to print, if you prefer putting pen to paper. You will receive both versions when you purchase the guide. It is only $5. I wanted to give it away, but understand that people tend not to value things they receive for free.
I want you to use this guide. To answer the questions. To be honest about what you want and create a plan to achieve it.
Vision Board

I also have a template for a virtual vision board. I created one last year, printed it and sat it on my desk. Without planning, I achieved many of the things on that board. Visualization has a magical way of implanting intention. You see it every day and it gets stuck in your mind as something you’re supposed to do. Then, you’re drawn to your goals even when you’re not consciously thinking of them.
This month, I’ll be hosting a vision board meeting with Attilah of PUSH Paper Co, at our monthly book club meeting on January 28, 2022. If you’d like to join that session, get the info here.
For now, feel free to download the new year guide and use this free vision board template.
Here are instructions to use the template if you’re not familiar with Canva.
How to Use the Vision Board Template:
- Click this link and then click the button to ‘Use Template’.
- Sign into Canva. If you do not have an account, you can create one or sign in with Google, or Facebook.
- Change photos, text, and colors to those that spark joy and speak to your desires for the year.
- Fill the vision board with inspiration and put it in a place that you will see daily.
I will be hosting a Vision Board Party with Attilah of PUSH Paper Co on January 28, 2022 at 8:00 PM EST. Get al the details here.

January 4, 2022In an effort to engage with those who offer so much to me in this digital space, I added replying to one of your blog posts to my to-do-list for this week. I’ve been following your IG page for a few months and just started reading your blog in the new year. So far, in the best way possible, your blog has been comparable to the insatiable feeling when reading the last pages of Emily Gamble’s story, which may or may not be the reason why I’m delaying the final installment of her trilogy. But, in true artist form, it is all just enough. And, today, reading the attention-grabbing phrase, “taking the time and care to admit what you want,” was just the fuel I needed to tick off one of my tasks for the week and also served as affirmation for my word of the year: intentional. If there is a character limit on blog posts, I’ve probably reached it, so let me stop here and just say thank you! Thank you for your inspiration and leading the way to becoming our best selves. xxx Amanda
Amirah Cook
January 4, 2022Aww!! Amanda, thank you so much for sharing this. I think it’s often we stop ourselves from sharing how others positively impact us. But reading your message brought a bright smile to my face. I appreciate you. This is gonna be our best year yet, sis!
Amirah Cook
January 6, 2022Aww! Thank you so much, Amanda! Your comment made my day. My week! I appreciate you! 🙂